Timothy Deschenes
Ph.D. (Aerospace Engineering) University of Michigan, 2011
M.S. (Aerospace Engineering) University of Michigan, 2008
B.S. (Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering) Clarkson University, 2006
Dr. Deschenes joined Spectral Sciences, Inc. in July 2011 and currently serves as a Principal Scientist. At SSI, Dr. Deschenes is actively involved in a wide range of projects related to high temperature gas dynamics and chemistry, material response, and radiative emission and transmission. He is also involved in projects involving rarefied gas dynamics for aerospace and industrial applications and computational science. His graduate work focused on the extension of the Modular-Particle Continuum (MPC) method for simulation of partially rarefied, external flow around hypersonic vehicles. This hybrid method was able to reproduce flow results of a high fidelity rarefied flow description while requiring only a fraction of the computational time and memory. As a postdoctoral fellow, he studied the effect of continuum breakdown on the prediction of propulsive deceleration techniques for planetary entry, descent, and landing (EDL) concepts.